The Southern Entrance Research Institute would like to encourage scientific research on the subject. There should be much more research on this subject by now.
If you have ideas for a topic or methodology for research on the Southern Entrance Theory, we would like to post them on Study Ideas.
Please email them to [email protected] with the Subject: RESEARCH IDEA.
If you are a qualified researcher (at least Masters Degree, or PhD candidate) and would like to do a study,
please contact us at [email protected] with the Subject: GRANTEE.
If you would like to contribute towards a grant for a study founded by the Sthapatyaveda Empirical Research Foundation, please email to: [email protected] with the Subject: GRANTOR.
Any amount from $5 to $50 would be welcome, and will be kept anonymous, or posted, as you prefer. The spending of each dollar will be posted on this Web site, so you can see how the funds are being put to use.