Why Scientific Research is Necessary

A Case Study: Improper Vastu and Auspicious Southern Entrance?

Microsoft Campus Map SCI and Microsoft Vastu
Microsoft Way is one of two major southern entrances leading to a quite successful corporation. It has been the primary entrance since 1986, the company namesake, leading to its world headquarters at One Microsoft Way in Redmond, Washington.

Microsoft has created more millionaires, faster, than any corporation in history. It has expanded access to knowledge to millions worldwide. Microsoft is a generous benefactor to many charities. It is a pioneer in "making it easier" for the workforce, enabling people to "do less and accomplish more."

Microsoft seems to enjoy tremendous support of natural law and rapid growth in a very competitive industry. Despite the recent rulings of Microsoft as a monopoly, Microsoft continues to grow in many diverse areas. Even if it is split apart, Microsoft will continue to dominate many segments of the economy.

Customers are generally happy with its products. Many top students seek to work at this multibillion dollar software giant. Unlike the TM Movement, with its Sthapatya-vedic buildings, Microsoft has NOT had to repeatedly hold fund-raisers to meet its needs. Nature seems to be financially supporting Microsoft thousands of times more than M.U.M.

Microsoft is located in Redmond, north east of Seattle, with most employee and vendor traffic (i.e. "influences") coming from the west and south. These are hardly "inauspicious" influences. They are some of the brightest and most sought-after people in the world's work force.

The "Microsoft Way" example runs contrary to the utterance that "a southern entrance is inauspicious." Indeed, it would make a better example for a proposition that southern entrances are auspicous. But what valid postulations CAN we make about southern entrances? There is a great need for empirical research studies, published in objective professional and scientific journals.

The Southern Entrance Research Foundation sponsors scientific inquiry and research in this direction:
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