Sthapatya Veda
"Close all the southern entrances to your house. In the authentic records of Sthapatya Veda, any entrance to a building that is other than due east or due north (but particularly a southern entrance), is said to be inauspicious and can create an array of undesirable influences for the tenants. By merely closing southern entrances to incoming and outgoing traffic, positive changes in good fortune have been known to occur. "
- "Promoting Health, Happiness, and Good Fortune"
- "Benefits of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda Design"
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- "The Main Principles"
- Maharishi Sthapatya Veda - Residents at The Maharishi Spiritual Center of America enjoy the benefits of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda design residences The Maharishi Spiritual Center of America Maharishi Vedic Pandits Pictures of The Maharishi Spiritual Center of America Contact..
- Sthapatya Veda 1 - STHAPATYA-VEDA Eine Auswahl von Häusern
- Ayurveda Maharishi - Maharishi Amrit Kalash - Indice - Centros Védicos Maharishi en España, Programas de la Meditación Trascendental, Ayurveda, Ciencia Védica, MT Sidhis, productos Ayurvédicos, Sthapatya Veda, Gandharva Veda y Jyotish.
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- Sthapatya 2000 - Sthapatya 2000 [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ Indian Architecture WWWBoard ] [ FAQ ] Posted by Sanjay Mudnaney on September 26, 1998 at 07:52:26: A one day event regarding the practice of architecture in the coming millennium is being organised.
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- Idealbyn, Boende - Idealbyn är delvis byggd efter principerna i Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, vilket är ett uråldrigt och holistiskt system för planering av samhällen, städer och bostäder. Idealbyns flerfamiljshus och dom flesta villorna är huvudsakligen byggda av...
- Maharishi Sthapatya Veda - Maharishi Sthapatya Veda Sthapatya Veda is one of the 40 aspects of Veda and the Vedic Literature. It represents the establishing quality of cosmic creative intelligence. The texts associated with this aspect give principles of architecture and...
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- Avoid Southern Entrances! - Building in Accord with Natural Law 'Because the individual is Cosmic, everything about individual life should be in full harmony with Cosmic Life.' - Maharishi 'Maharishi Sthapatya Veda® is the most ancient and complete system of architecture and..
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- Maharishi on Vedic Science - An Interdisciplinary Journal Devoted to Study and Research in Consciousness - the Unified Field of Nature's Intelligence - from the Perspective of Modern Science and Maharishi's Vedic Science and Technology.
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- May 28, 1997 - Maharishi University of Management M.U.M. Home Page Back issues Fairfield News Vol. 12, #14, May 28, 1997 Copyright 1997, Maharishi University of Management Final Twelve Chapters of the Gita To Be Read at July WPA New Web Page Gives Advice on...
- HINDUISM - Hinduism Introduction to Hinduism Statistically, there are over 700 million Hindus, mainly in Bharat (India), and Nepal. Hinduism is referred to as Sanatana Dharma, the eternal faith. Hinduism is not strictly a religion. It is based on the practice.
- Natuurwet-Journaal 2.4 - Editie 2.4 van juni 1997 INHOUD van deze editie: MAHARISHI STHAPATYA VEDA: Oeroude principes van ruimtelijke ordening en architectuur WERELDNEIUWS Daytonverdrag toont zijn waarde in papier Thaise politie doet TM Maharishi Ayur Veda producten...
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