I am enclosing an abstract on the research I did on south entrances and crime rate in Fairfield. You may post it on the Web site. It was presented at a conference, so I feel comfortable posting it. I'm writing it up for full publication now.
I think it is important to keep a balanced tone on your Web site. This is a new area of Vedic knowledge, and to date, the evidence is preliminary. This is how science progresses. In time it will be subjected to the same rigorous scrutiny that TM practice has been subjected to. Individuals started TM practice in the 60's when there was no scientific research. Currently, individuals are closing south entrances and building homes according to Sthapatya Veda principles.
Time will tell who the intelligent people were.
Best wishes,
Fred Travis
Dear Gerome,
Thank you for formatting the abstract. It reads well with your formatting
Also, I am designing a qualitative study with Ragnhild Boes, a graduate student who has just finished a qualitative investigation of the Maharishi Ayur Ved Mother Baby program. We thought to interview people before and after they moved into a home built according to principles of Sthapatya Ved. This research will be to generate hypotheses. It will identify possible parameters that later better-controlled research could investigate. If you know of anyone who would like to help fund that study, do let me know.
Fred Travis
Yes, that is what SERF is set up for, and we are pleased to help.
We would like to fund studies done in a rigorous scientific manner, that have a good chance for publication. So if the qualitative interview can be done in such a way, please email a proposal of expenses. The Grant Board will review it, and if approved, a grant will be sent. Our current budget is listed on the Web site.
Thank you for promoting the objective means of gaining knowledge to balance the subjective means of gaining knowledge.